The prime objective of tuna fishing is the Conservation of Stocks. Inpesca proposes that guidelines be established to regulate and control the different fishing grounds so that responsible fishing coordinates with the conservation of the species.
Inpesca have been transmitting for years their point of view on the Conservation of Resources in different Spanish and international forums, following the recommendations of the Convention and Management of Highly Migratory Fish established by the United Nations Convention Agreement.
By following these standards and being in possession of years of experience in the fishing sector we have reached the conclusion that the tuna sector requires protection with the following characteristics.
General nature
Easy to fulfil
Easy to control
We must learn from other breeding grounds and take measurements which are efficient:
What does the closed season mean?
This is the fishing agreement between fishermen and seine tuna ship owners and factory ships operators who fish in the Atlantic Ocean. This agreement is endorsed and guaranteed since 1999 by the INTERNATIONAL COMMISSION FOR THE CONSERVATION OF ATLANTIC TUNAS (ICCAT) to reduce the fishing effort in the most important areas of tuna fishing in the Atlantic. A surface area of 3,300,000 Km., equivalent to 6 times the size of Spain.
Fishing methods for the conservation of resources
This report clearly analyses in a detailed fashion the Conservation of tuna Resources in the different oceans. It is aimed at offering viable solutions for the conservation of resources and protecting the sector from biased arguments lacking certain rigour and counter to the authentic reality undergoing fishing.
Inpesca knows that the real experts in the fishing activity are the fishermen themselves and for that reason, have obtained from the fishing technical experts the following information. Here the results of the real causes are shown and the delicate situation faced by the conservation of resources and we suggest feasible solutions to the problem.
1. Accidental fishing: Its regulation.
2. The protection of lesser size tuna and similar, spawning, spatiotemporal closed seasons.
3. Artificial objects: Its regulation.
4. Selective fishing and its benefits for the operation and the recourse of the auxiliary fishing boats.